Foster your child’s creative thinking with these five responses to their artwork. Encourage and stretch their thinking with these strategies. It doesn’t take expensive art materials or a lot of time to encourage the creativity in your child!
Want more information on easy ways to Grow Creative Preschoolers?
#1 Ask Open-Ended Questions
Stretch your child’s creative thinking by asking open-ended questions about their artwork.
-What can you tell me about your artwork?
– What is your favorite part of the picture?
-Where did you get your idea?
#2 Praise the Effort (not the Product)
Avoid phrases such as “good job” and “that’s great”. Instead encourage your child’s effort with phrases like: “You worked hard filling the page with color” or “You should be proud of how hard you worked”.
#3 Let Your Child Teach You
Have your child show you or tell you how they created their artwork.
#4 Celebrate the Process
It is the process or the experience making the artwork that is important. There is no right or wrong answer when a child is creating and expressing their personal feelings.
Process Art is:
– original and unique
– exploration of tools and materials
– a child lead art experience
– an invitation to create
#5 Create a Child Curated Art Gallery
By displaying your child’s artwork you are showing you value their creativity. Let your child choose which artwork they wish to display for an added sense of ownership.
– Let your child select artwork to hang on the fridge.
– Set up an art gallery space on the wall with clips and let your child choose what artwork to display.
– Take a photo of the artwork and print a photo book collection of your child’s artwork
These are great ways to encourage art and creativity. We keep a photo gallery of past art projects.
I’m looking forward to letting my 4year old granddaughter practice doing some art
4-year-olds are the best as they have no fear of creating! Thank you for commenting.