Does the thought of paint and your preschooler make you break out into a cold sweat?
I admit, the first time I taught a class of preschoolers I was nervous. It didn’t matter my years of experience teaching art at the elementary level. This was a whole new ball game and despite being little… they did outnumber me.
Preschooler’s have a natural sense of curiosity! They love to experiment, explore and try new things.
When it comes to taking out the paint with your own preschooler, you may think be thinking about:
– The mess
– The time it takes to set up.
– Your child’s short attention span
However, it is possible to paint with a preschooler with minimal prep and without a painting disaster.
Top 3 Painting Tips for Young Artists:
#1: Choose an open-ended painting activity based on your child’s interests (not what you think looks cute on Pinterest).
#2: Gather all your materials before introducing your child to the activity. My favorite tip to help minimize clean up is use a cookie sheet or plastic tray to hold your child’s paper. The tray helps protect your workspace, can easily be cleaned and gives your child a focus of where to put the paint (so your kitchen wall doesn’t get a new makeover).
#3: Let your child explore and experiment. Your child should lead the activity not you! If you have to sit on your hands than do so!
To truly maximize your child’s creativity you need to let them paint. Even if….
– Your preschooler wants to try painting with the brush upside down…that is okay!
– Your child dumps the paint on the paper instead of using a brush…that is okay (especially if you use our tray tip).
-Your child mixes all the colors together and creates muddy brown…that is okay!
Painting allows your child to experiment and explore how to make marks in different ways. By providing painting opportunities you are literally helping your preschooler’s brain grow!
Luckily I survived teaching my first preschool class and instantly fell in love with their inspiring sense of curiosity! And you can survive painting with your preschooler too!
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