Beat summer boredom with fun hands-on challenges designed to spark your kids’ creative problem-solving skills.
Why is creative thinking important for kids?
In its 2020 Summit, the World Economic Forum identified critical thinking and problem-solving as the top skills for the future.
Google also lists good critical thinkers and problem solvers as part of their top 7 characteristics of success.
We don’t know what the future will look like for our children, but by developing their creative problem solving and critical thinking skills, they will be able to solve the future problems of our global society.
Yet these skills, creative problem solving, and critical thinking are often not developed in today’s classroom due to standardized testing and scripted curriculums in our schools (and even in some homeschooling programs).
What is an Innovation Challenge?
An Innovation Challenge is a creative thinking prompt that encourages kids to think, make and create their own unique solutions. There is no right or wrong outcome for the challenge. The learning is in the process or journey rather than the final result.

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Share your creations! We love to see your kid’s unique solutions to the challenges. Tag us on social @innovationkidslab
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