What is STEAM?
Preschoolers naturally are inquisitive and ask a lot of questions just like a scientist, mathematician or artist.
STEAM is the combination of Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math (STEM + Art). Integrating STEAM based play is an easy and innovative way to enrich your preschooler’s learning.
Opportunities for hands-on play with different materials will allow children to learn and extend their knowledge and creative thinking skills.
STEAM activities are designed to engage your child and stretch their thinking.
Why is STEAM important?
Teaching children how to think creatively and learning to be problem solvers is how we can prepare our children for the future. No matter what unknown technologies, industries or careers lay ahead, creative problem solvers will be the innovators in their field.
Want an easy way to integrate more STEAM activities into your existing lessons?
Join our Preschool STEAM membership program where you get access to all our themed STEAM units like Dinosaur STEAM and Ocean STEAM and many more themed units.
Each unit consists of five STEAM integrated activities that are designed to get your students exploring, discovering and thinking. No expensive or fancy equipment or supplies is needed to get started with STEAM today.
With over 50 different STEAM activities inside the membership, you are able to get started with STEAM learning today.
Unlock your students’ creative potential with STEAM integration today!
Yes, I want to get started today!
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