Explore the power of wind through a simple yet engaging STEAM activity for kids. This activity was easy to set up and kept all 3 kids fully engaged!
How do you observe something you can’t see like the wind?
Love is like the wind, You can’t see it but you can feel it. -Nicholas Sparks
STEAM activities combine Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math to help challenge and grow your child’s creative and critical thinking skills.
We divided our wind investigation into two parts. The first part of the activity allows your child to experience and engage in hands-on play with wind.
The second part of the activity encourages your child to use their observations from the first activity to create a work of art.
Let’s explore wind
Materials: Fan, feathers
What is wind?
Wind is the movement of air.
Step 1: Ask your child to predict what objects they think the wind will move.
Step 2: Set up a fan off the floor. Hold up a feather in front of the fan and let it go. What happens to the feather?
“The feathers are dancing in the air, Mom. They must be getting dizzy”.
-M-Woww 4
What other objects can dance in the wind?
Let your child experiment with different objects and how they move (or not move) in the wind.
Creative Movement Activity: Encourage your child to act out as if they were a feather fluttering in the wind.
After observing how a feather floats through the air, ask your child…
How can you draw the wind?
What types of lines would you use to represent the wind?
Easy Windy Art Printmaking
Materials: cookie sheet, cardstock paper, washable paint, roller, feathers
Step 1: Use the brayer or paint roller to cover the cookie sheet with paint.
Step 2: Draw lines to represent the wind in the paint. You can use your finger (or q-tips) to draw in the paint.
Step 3: Place a white paper on top of the paint and press down. Rub along the surface of the paper.
Peel your paper up and check out your design that transferred to the paper. You just created a print!
Use the roller to smooth out the paint and repeat to create more prints as desired.
Select your favorite print and turn into a mixed media work of art.
Add more details with crayons or oil pastels.
Glue feathers to your paper to represent how you observed the feathers dancing in the wind.
Download the FREE Printable Activity Guide!
Free for members of the STEAM Kids Toolkit. Members must be signed in to download. Not a member? Join today, it’s free!
This post is part of our Creative Preschool series. Hop over to our Creative Preschool friends for more weather-related activities.
Blizzard in a Bag Activity | Artsy Momma
Preschool Cotton Ball Clouds Activity | I Heart Crafty Things
Printable Weather Board Game | Pink Stripey Socks
Sketch the Weather Calendar Printable | School Time Snippets
Printable Weather Chart | A Little Pinch of Perfect
My kids love playing with the fan for activities and I love the cloud prints!
The fan is always a fun! Thank you for commenting. 🙂
Love how you made this a multi-sensory art and science activity. How fun!
Thank you!
Love all the cool activities an cheap ideas.its really great and loads of fun?
I am all about it doesn’t have to be expensive to do creative activities! Thank you for commenting. 🙂
Such a cool art activity!
Thank you!
Love the art project! My kids never tire of make things blow away in front of a fan 🙂