It has been a whirlwind of a year! It has been almost a year since posting full time here at Hand Made Kids Art. We are so grateful that you, our readers have enjoyed our posts and information as much as we love sharing it.
Our passion is to provide all children opportunities to develop their creative thinking in order to be successful later in life. You do not need expensive or fancy materials to help your child be a creative thinker! We make it easy by providing different ways for busy families and parents to expand and stretch their thinking skills.
Are you signed up for our weekly newsletter? This newsletter is full of simple art ideas to grow creative kids. Sign up here (its free and no spam)! We have a lot more to share with the coming new year!
Here are our top 5 posts as decided by popularity with our viewers for tips with working with your artist and encouraging creative thinking.
Most Popular Parenting Tips 2014 from Hand Made Kids Art
>>Click on the tip below to read the entire post<<
1. Ask open ended questions to help develop your child’s critical thinking skills.
2. Keep high engagement with the toys you have by setting up a toy rotation schedule.
3. 10 simple ways to add creativity to your child’s daily life.
4. Our top 10 tips for painting with young artists.
5. Keep paper clutter under control with this easy way to document and store your child’s artwork.
This post is part of the top parenting tips series from The Idealist Mom. Be sure to click over to view all of the tip parenting tips for 2014.
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